How to Filter or trace traffic with Tcpdump

Howto May 10, 2019

Tcpdump is a tool that can be used to examine network traffic on a linux kernel, the below example will filter or check if the interface 1 on the system gets icmp request

tcpdump -nni eth1 icmp

where eth1 can be customized to the interface number
where n tells tcpdump not to convert address e.g host addresses and port numbers to names
where i is the interface on which to listen to.

Further more we can filter or trace the network connection on an interface coming through a specific ip address and port, with the below command

tcpdump -i eth0 host and port 4000
tcpdump -i eth0 host and port 4400 -n -s 0 -vvv -w /usr/src/dump
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