Hashicorp Vaults Secrets Usage
vault secret lifecycle
There are multiple operations that can be associated with the lifecycle in Vaults
- Create : it creates a secret
- Read : it reads the value from a secret in vault
- Update: it updates a secret
- Delete: it deletes a secret but it is recoverable through an undelete i.e. a soft delete
- Destroy: it destroys a secret i.e. is a hard delete it is unrecoverable, permanently deleted
- Metadata Destroy: destroys the metadata associated with the deleted secret
version 1 and Version 2 exist in vault
Version 1 properties
- No versioning exist
- It is faster than the version 2 with fewer calls on the storage
- Deleted items are permanently deleted, undelete not possible
- It can be upgraded to version 2
- It is also default version created on creation of a new key/value secret
Version 2 properties
- Versioning of past secrets possible
- Less faster than version 1
- Undelete possible and possibility to retain metadata of deleted items
- It cannot be downgraded to version 1
- It should be specified on creation of the key/value secret as version 2
Most times we will be assessing vault through the api, especially if its a programmable interface.
the sytnax to access vault through the api is
$VAULT_TOKEN is the token generated passed as an environment variable
$secretname is the name of the secret
$VAULT_ADDR is the vault address. e.g. localhost would be
create a secret
vault kv put test-env/john age=23 month=october
#via API
curl --header X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" --request POST $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/$secretname --data '{"key":"value"}'
read a secret
vault kv get test-env/john
#via API
curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/$secretname?version=1 #gets version 1 of the secret
curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/$secretname?version=2 #gets version 2 of the secret
delete a secret
vault kv delete test-env/john
#via API
curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" --request DELETE $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/$secretname
undelete a secret
curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" --request POST $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/undelete/$secretname --data '{"versions": [2]}' #restores deleted version 2 of the secret
destroy a secret
curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" --request POST $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/destroy/$secretname --data '{"versions": [1,2]}' #destroys version 1 and 2 of the secret
delete metadata associated with the secret
curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" --request DELETE $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/metadata/$secretname